Who is Missouri KIDS COUNT?
Missouri KIDS COUNT is a diverse team of public sector, non-profit and private sector members; together we are the Annie E. Casey Foundation (AECF) KIDS COUNT partner in Missouri.
FACT, the Family and Community Trust, the AECF KIDS COUNT grantee, is a non-profit corporation with Board members drawn from the top leadership in state government and the private sector. Established in 1993, the Board’s mission is to promote and support collaboration and innovation in service delivery for Missouri’s children and families through its 20 Community Partnerships around the state.
FACT is joined by its Missouri KIDS COUNT partner, the University of Missouri Center for Health Policy (CHP). The CHP produces the KIDS COUNT data book and hosts the KIDS COUNT data warehouse and website.
The team is supported by the FACT Executive Director Bill Dent and the KIDS COUNT Program Director Tracy Greever-Rice, PhD.
This unique team will provide a highly collaborative environment for effective policymaking and sound investments using reliable data and research on behalf of Missouri’s children.

What can we do together?
CHP will continue to make data visible, accessible, understandable and usable for everyone working to improve the lives of children through:
- The Missouri KIDS COUNT data book that highlights indicators and county rankings
- A searchable archive of Missouri KIDS COUNT data available since 1993
- Data reports and research papers
The Community Partnerships will:
- Effect community-based advocacy around issues important to each community.
- Highlight successful projects and innovative ideas from all regions of the state.
- Provide stories to help policy makers and law makers better understand the lives of Missouri’s children.
The FACT Board will:
- Highlight state government successes in child well-being.
- Help support and encourage a highly collaborative policymaking environment across child-serving state agencies.
- Encourage enhanced data sharing across state agencies to benefit children.
Take A Closer Look: Who Is Missouri KIDS COUNT?
Missouri KIDS COUNT is a diverse team of public sector, non-profit and private sector members that works to improve the lives of Missouri’s children by using reliable data to spark collaboration, inform policy making, and make sound investments.