Boone County Tax for Children Summary
March 13, 2017
Tax Approval
- Date Passed: November 2012
- Tally in Favor: 57% of votes
Tax Administration
- Name of Administrative Entity: Boone County Children’s Services Board (BCCSB)
- BCCSB Webpage:
- BCCSB Executive Director: Kelly Wallis
- Other Staff: Program Manager, Program Specialist, and Administrative Assistant
Board of Directors
- Selection: Boone County has an application and interview process conducted by the County Commissioners. Applications are available in the BCCSB website.
- Term Length: Members serve 3-year terms. The board terms are staggered such that three positions are available to applicants each year.
- Current members: Visit the BCCSB website to learn more about current board members (see Members section under Children’s Services heading).
- Meetings: The Board meets once a month or more often if needed. A list of scheduled meetings for this year is available in the BCCSB website.
Application Process and Funding
- Applying for Funds: Funding availability is announced through the Boone County Purchasing Department. Please complete the vendor registration form to receive updates about funding opportunities (see Purchasing section).
- Review Process: Potential applications are reviewed and selected by BCCSB. The review process includes an individual board member review, committee work session review and scoring, staff review, written clarification requests, organization interviews, and a full board review.
- Funding Period: Most awards are typically for one year with the possibility of renewals. Some awards may be for one-time funding for strategic innovation opportunities or contingency for exigent circumstances with no renewals.

Current Programs Funded: A comprehensive list with descriptions of current programs funded is available on the BCCSB website. Current Programs Funded: A comprehensive list with descriptions of current programs funded is available on the BCCSB website.
- Working with Other Funds: the BCCSB is currently matching federal funds for a program benefiting the Supplemental Nutrition Program (SNAP) and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) recipients.
The BCCSB has taken a proactive approach in identifying and addressing the needs of children and families in Boone County. During the first year of implementing the Children’s Services Fund, the BCCSB commissioned a report to identify the needs of the community and has funded programs that offer services to improve the areas identified needs (i.e., access, education, and systems/structures). Following a targeted approach has led to increased collaborations among providers and funders, which has resulted in the development and implementation of effective programs. The following stories provide some examples of fruitful collaborations that have changed the way in which youth needs are addressed in Boone County.
Inspiring Stories
School Checklist—Making Data-Driven Decisions
The Boone County Schools Mental Health Coalition is a multidisciplinary collaboration among the six independent districts in Boone County and The University of Missouri. The Coalition was established to promote the social, emotional, and behavioral health of school-age children in the County through a collaborative initiative rooted in data-driven, scientifically supported approaches to assessment and prevention. The Coalition created a checklist that is completed by teachers and students. The checklist captures indicators strongly associated with youth mental health, including attention and academic competence, peer relations and social skills, internalizing behaviors, and self-regulation and externalizing behaviors. This checklist is completed three times per year (fall, winter, and spring) by all Boone County School Districts and one private school—providing data for more than 25,000 students. The data collected through the checklist is used to understand mental health needs at different levels (from individual students to the whole county) and direct informed, evidence-based interventions at each of these levels.
To learn more about the Coalition visit their website at:
Family Access Center of Excellence (FACE) of Boone County—Expanding Access and Improving Service Quality
FACE is a center intended to improve access to high quality social, emotional, and behavioral health services for families who live in Boone County. FACE provides comprehensive services for all youth (0 to 19 years) and their families using a strengths-based family systems approach. FACE is characterized by seven key components: 1) provide a single point of entry that unconditionally accepts walk-ins and referrals from any source; 2) engage families by having well-trained and licensed mental health professionals; 3) conduct comprehensive assessments of youth and family risk factors, including areas of strengths and needs; 4) rely on information collected during assessments to develop action plans for families which are strength-based and tailored to the youth and family; 5) continuously monitor progress and eliminate barriers to services; 6) ensure quality of services by documenting and monitoring progress through an integrated information management system; and 7) promote prevention and intervention services that follow a comprehensive and integrative approach. All residents of Boone County have free access to the services provided by FACE.
To learn more about FACE visit their website at:
The University of Missouri Bridge Program: School-Based Psychiatry—Bridging the Gap in Psychiatric Care
The University of Missouri Bridge Progrjaam is improving the psychiatric treatment of children in Boone County by facilitating access. The University of Missouri psychiatrists and two University of Missouri nurse managers work together with school counselors to assist families of children in need of care. Children enrolled in the program receive an initial psychiatric evaluation with a child psychiatrist, prescriptions for medication as needed, and two to three follow-up appointments—all free of charge. In addition, the nurse managers actively work with school staff and parents to ensure that children have ongoing care after completing the University of Missouri Bridge program. This program is improving children’s access to psychiatric treatment by providing timely psychiatrist appointments, facilitating the communication between psychiatrists, schools, and families and removing barriers to care.
To learn more about The University of Missouri Bridge Program visit their website at:
21 Missouri Kids Count Data Book (2016)
22 Missouri Kids Count Data Book (2016) County Pages
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