Innovative Care Delivery Models for Children With ASTHMA IN MISSOURI

August 10, 2015

The Missouri Hospital Association, Hospital Industry Data Institute (HIDI) recently published a second in a two-part series on childhood asthma in Missouri. This issue focuses on innovations designed to improve the health outcomes and quality of life for children with asthma, through hospitals, providers, education, law-making and public health initiatives. 10 % of the 900,000 students in Missouri’s public primary and secondary schools report using medication to control asthma. This article is a powerful example of the effective use of data and community level case studies to tell a meaningful story. Missouri KIDS COUNT applauds Missouri Hospital Association for its commitment to using data to tell the story of children’s health.

Missouri KIDS COUNT will soon follow-up this compelling research article with more about childhood asthma in our schools and communities.

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