Youth from Gideon and Risco School District are Taking a Stand Against Distracted Driving

April 1, 2015



Youth from Gideon and Risco School District taking a stand against distracted driving and having the courage to sign a contract and encourage their peers to do the same.


Our Partnership works with the schools to raise awareness to youth about the prevention of distracted driving and alcohol and drug abuse. Last year 200 youth (15-20) signed contracts in 3 schools we worked with.




ACT Missouri is a private not-for-profit corporation established in 1991 to promote drug and alcohol awareness throughout Missouri. We work with great community groups across the state to spread the message about making healthy choices. We also team up with national organizations like SADD and The Partnership at


Funded by the Missouri Department of Mental Health, we keep track of state facts, policies, and trends when it comes to drug use. We also have a network of Regional Support Centers and community coalitions that we support, serving as a communication hub. We collaborate with other statewide agencies like the Missouri Pharmacy Association, Missouri Alliance for Drug Endangered Children, Missouri Department of Transportation, and Missouri Juvenile Justice Association in joint efforts to produce healthy, drug-free communities.


Join us in building a healthy Missouri!

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